What is an SMS Short Code?

Topic: Did you know, SMS Marketing, Uses of SMS

An SMS Short Code is a 3-6 digit number that your Esendex account can receive text messages on. There are two types of short codes – shared or dedicated.

Shared Short Code

A Shared Short Code means that there are multiple business sharing the same number, but our built-in feature enables replies to go to the business who last sent the SMS. It can be set up right away, and it’s ideal for uses like appointment reminders and rostering where a response is expected.

Dedicated Short Code

A Dedicated Short Code is a number that is exclusive to your own business, and will remain yours until you choose otherwise. As such, you can use the dedicated short code as a form of opt-in to build your database, run competitions and promotions that require the customer to initiate contact.

Why your business should use SMS Short Codes?

Easy to remember & promote

The memorable nature of an SMS Short Code makes it perfect for promotions and competitions, and offers an easy way for customers to get in touch.

Encourage 2-way communication

75% of millennials choose texting over talking (Open Market). Using an SMS Short Code enables your staff, customers and stakeholders to get in touch or provide feedback via texting.

Receive replies anywhere you want

SMS replies can go to your Esendex inbox or be delivered to your email if you’re using our email to SMS service, making it easier to manage

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia